Perfect Pellet Grilled BBQ Chicken Legs

I love using my pellet grill, especially in the summer. Not only is the flavor the best, but it allows you to cook dinner without heating up the whole house. Using a pellet grill offers significant benefits, such as maintaining consistent heat for even cooking and infusing the chicken with a rich, smoky flavor. Think of it as a outdoor smoker oven, they are very versatile.

In this economy, with a family of 7, I’m always trying to make the most out of my grocery budget. A family pack of chicken legs is around $5; you can’t beat that! Legs and thighs are in continual rotation for my meal plans. Spice them up with your favorite seasoning and BBQ sauce, and it will be a desirable weekday dinner. I like to cook my chicken where they are juicy and tender, with a smoky, caramelized BBQ glaze. 


       – Family Pack- Chicken legs (drumsticks)

       – Your favorite BBQ rub

       – Olive oil or mustard (for binding the rub)

       – BBQ sauce


       – Pellet grill and pellets

       – Meat thermometer

       – Basting brush and bowl

       – Tongs and other grilling tools

Preparation: Prepping the Chicken Legs

Start by patting the legs dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture. This step helps the seasoning adhere better and ensures a crispy skin during grilling. Next, apply a thin layer of olive oil or mustard over the chicken legs. This acts as a binding agent, allowing the BBQ rub to stick more effectively. Once the legs are coated, generously season them with your favorite BBQ rub, making sure to cover all sides evenly. Over the years, I have used different seasonings; right now, I really like Head Country and Traeger seasonings. Be thorough when seasoning to ensure that every bite is packed with flavor. Let’s be honest; nobody wants bland chicken, so be very generous!

Setting Up the Pellet Grill

Like most grills, pellet grills require a bit of maintenance. It is important to keep the ashes cleaned out and the grease bucket emptied. Additionally, selecting the right wood pellets is essential for enhancing the BBQ flavor. Hickory, signature, and mesquite are excellent choices and are my favorites. I also like to keep fresh aluminum foil on the drip tray for easy cleanup. You can also purchase tray liners; either way, I recommend using something. 

Cooking Process

The cooking process begins by preheating your grill to 350°F for 15 mins. Once the grill is preheated and the wood pellets are in place, arrange the chicken legs on the grill grate, leaving enough space between each piece to ensure even cooking. Proper spacing allows the heat and smoke to circulate around the legs, cooking them evenly and imparting that desired smoky BBQ flavor.

Smoke the seasoned chicken legs for about 30 minutes. This initial phase allows the chicken to cook while absorbing the smoky flavor from the wood pellets. Keep an eye on the internal temperature of the chicken legs, and once they reach 150°F, it’s time to increase the grill temperature to 375°F. At this point, brush the top side of the chicken legs with a generous layer of BBQ sauce and let them cook for an additional 5 minutes.

Afterward, flip the legs and coat the other side with BBQ sauce, allowing them to cook for another 5 minutes. Turn down the temperature to 200. Lastly, flip one more time, generously coat that top side with BBQ sauce, and allow the sauce to glaze for another 5-10 minutes. This step helps create a deliciously caramelized glaze, adding a nice finish to the smoky, tender chicken legs. Be sure to check the final internal temperature of 165 before removing.

Resting and Serving

After removing the chicken legs from the grill, it’s essential to let them rest for 5-10 minutes before serving. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making sure that each bite is juicy and flavorful.

Skipping this step can result in dry chicken, as the juices may run out if the meat is cut too soon. It also allows them to cool before the kids start digging in. Classic BBQ sides like corn on the cob, coleslaw, cornbread, or baked beans complement the smoky, sweet taste of the chicken and create a well-rounded, satisfying meal that’s perfect for any dinner.

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