National Archery Day takes place on the second Saturday in May. This year’s National Archery Day is May 13, 2023. If you ever needed an excuse to get out and fling some arrows, this weekend is the perfect opportunity. If you’ve never picked up a bow, even better. National Archery Day is about celebrating one of the world’s oldest and safest sports. Now is the perfect time to take your shot at archery.
Whether you shoot in solitude or join your fellow archers for an event, here are some ways to mark the occasion.
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Find a Celebration

From archery clubs to government organizations and nonprofits, archery enthusiasts across the country plan to celebrate National Archery Day with some exciting events.
Georgia: Victoria Bryant State Park is hosting an event. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., archery instructors will provide lessons for beginners and casual archers. Attendees can try both compound and recurve bows. There will even be some archery trivia. Archers must be at least 10 years old. More information.
Michigan: Aspiring archers ages 8 and up can attend an event at Ludington State Park from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the park’s archery range. More info.
Missouri: Fort Leonard Wood is hosting an event for military families at the Outdoor Adventure Center from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The archery range is free. Attendees may also shoot 3D targets for $10.
Ohio: Join the Ohio Division of Wildlife to take your shot at archery. The event starts at 10 a.m. at the Hocking Hills Archery Range. It’s free, and all equipment is provided. More info.
Pennsylvania: Beginning on National Archery Day, Archery Encounters is hosting weekly “Archery Is for Everyone” events. The goal is to allow everyone to try out the amazing sport of recreational and competitive archery. Learn more.
Tim Case, owner of Archery Encounters, says the event will have giveaways and more. Case, a USA Level 4 Archery Coach, hopes to bring new people into the sport he loves. “No. 1, it’s fun. No. 2, anybody can partake in the sport of archery regardless of economic or physical limitations,” Case said. “The sport is universal around the world. Every culture on earth knows about archery.”
Cheer on the Kids
The National Archery in the Schools Program traditionally holds its U.S. Eastern National Tournament the second weekend in May, making it a great way to celebrate National Archery Day. This year’s event takes place May 11-13 in Louisville, Kentucky. Top student archers from elementary, middle and high schools will compete.
Visit a Local Range
You don’t need an organized celebration to partake in the fun. Unfortunately, life can be busy, and shooting isn’t always a priority. Use National Archery Day to put picking up your bow at the top of your to-do list. Mark it on your calendar and make the time. Visit your favorite shop range or a community range and spend some quality time with your equipment. Make it a party and invite your partner or friends.
Give It a Try for the First Time
If you’ve never picked up a bow, National Archery Day is the perfect time. Case of Archery Encounters says he sees people come into the establishment who are intimidated, and he always tells them archery is for everyone.
Lessons are a great way to give it a shot. Instructors help you build a strong foundation. Most archery stores offer lessons, either for individuals or in a group setting.
“Archery is a primal sport and by that I mean everybody intuitively has a connection to it,” Case said. “We just work on perfecting it and getting them as close as possible to being able to do it regularly.”
Archery provides so many benefits. It exercises your mind and body, plus it’s fun. For additional ideas on how to enjoy National Archery Day on May 13, 2023, take a look at ideas from previous years.
The post Celebrate National Archery Day — May 13, 2023 appeared first on Archery 360.