MidwayUSA Foundation Range Development Grants: Expanding Shooting Ranges for Youth Programs

These competitive range development cash grants will provide funds to allow existing ranges to make improvements and expansions.

 GRANT Cycle: February 1st – April 1st

A fundamental need of a shooting team is a place to shoot. These competitive funds will provide the opportunity for existing ranges to make improvements and expansions to allow for more youth-oriented shooting activities. Team and Agency endowment holders are encouraged to work with their respective shooting range(s) to identify needs and complete grant application requirements. Currently, MidwayUSA Foundation Donor Designated endowment holders are not eligible to apply.

We accept Range Development grant applications via our online grant application process once per year. The applications are reviewed and awarded by the MidwayUSA Foundation. These competitive cash grants are awarded to grant recipients in June. Awarded projects are subject to a visit by Foundation staff and may be audited to ensure use as directed in the application.

While the Range Development grants are meant for MidwayUSA Foundation Team and Agency endowment holders, certain non-endowment holding organizations, primarily conservation groups and universities, may apply if they are directly benefiting local youth shooting teams and their associated range development grant will enable more youth to become involved in the youth shooting sports.Many conservation groups and state wildlife agencies build and operate public target shooting facilities using federal excise tax monies as a key source of funds for these projects. In some occurrences, it is possible these non-endowment holders may prove eligible for a Range Development grant. In most cases these groups will pursue R3 (Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation) conservation grants funded by the Pittman-Robertson/Wildlife Restoration Act to acquire 90% of their range expansion funding, while seeking the remaining 10% through other sources. It is possible that the Range Development grant can provide the remaining 10% if certain requirements are met.Colleges and universities that do not operate their own shooting range may utilize public target shooting facilities for their team’s practice. In some occurrences, it is possible these non-endowment holders may prove eligible for a Range Development grant. In these instances, the non-grant portion of the range development budget can be met with funds acquired by the college/university, shooting range, or a combination of the two. If your conservation, wildlife agency, college, or university is interested in a Range Development Grant, contact us.

MidwayUSA Foundation cash grants are not guaranteed. The Range Development cash grant program is competitive, and grants will be awarded within available funds. The program’s primary objective is to improve/expand ranges to get more youth shooting and those applications that focus on this intent have increased chances of consideration. Additionally, an applicant’s participation in Foundation programs is highly encouraged and taken into consideration during the selection process. Applicants who proactively fund their endowment and take advantage of their annual cash grant opportunity demonstrate a commitment and understanding of the Foundation’s overall mission.

Application completeness is critical as these competitive grant applications are judged solely on the information provided by the submitting organization. Those applications with incomplete, inaccurate, confusing, or conflicting information will not be considered. Those with poor impact or justification statements, poor cost breakdowns, or overall poor detail will diminish the probabilities of award. All applicants are advised to provide any applicable substantiating or clarifying information to ensure their applications are complete and competitive. Note that the high volume of application submissions prohibit Foundation staff from reaching out to applicants for clarification or questions so it is important all applicable information is provided within the application.

See the grant requirements below or review our Coach Training-Range Development Grant Application and Funding Policy to learn more.

  • One application cycle per calendar year
  • Minimum grant payout (per request): $2,500
  • Maximum grant payout (per request): $75,000
  • Grant request cannot exceed 50% of the total project budget
  • Required to provide information on funding source for remaining project budget
  • Funds must be utilized by April 1 of the following year
  • Grant funds must improve or expand a range where there is a direct relationship with an endowment holder
  • Grant funds cannot be used to purchase land or fund a new facility
  • Grant funds shall not be used for indirect costs associated with the range development project
  • Grant funds shall not be used to improve or expand archery activities
  • Improvement/expansion must grow youth shooting sport activity capacity
  • Proof of project budget/cost required
  • Project updates required at 3, 6, and 9 months (unless completed early)
  • Proof of project completion required
  • Grants will be awarded to applicants based upon greatest impact to the Foundation’s mission as determined by the Foundation’s Range Development Grant Committee
  • Grant requests may be partially funded
  • Grant funding shall not be used to reimburse eligible expenses occurring prior to the current grant cycle deadline (April 1)
  • Unused cash grant funding, not committed for the specified purpose, or not committed within the time limit, if any, detailed in the corresponding grant application, shall be returned to MidwayUSA Foundation

Learn more here.

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