Explaining The 7 Best Fishing Tools & Why You Need Them

Fishing accessories don’t have the buzz of a flashy spinnerbait or glisten and glare of a shiny new fishing reel, but having the essential tools and gear to accompany your more favored fishing tackle is the difference between jumping from an hour angler and the pro tour.

Rapala fishing is a household brand in the fishing industry known for its original designs, classic lures, and attention to detail. In addition to their quality lures, Rapala equips anglers with the finest fishing accessories available today. We’ll walk you through the ten best fishing accessories for this upcoming season. This list contains everything you need from measuring tools to a trusty pair of pliers.

Rapala 8.5 inch Stainless Steel Pliers

The Rapala eight and a half stainless steel pliers are the extra set of hands that are so often needed on the water. Whether it’s removing a hook, bending something back, or cutting your fishing line, the rust resistant pliers from Rapala are the tool for the job.

Rapala Lighted Marker Buoy

Mark your spot with the Rapala Lighted Marker Buoy, a simple but effective tool that anglers have used for years. After marking a point of interest, drop the Rapala Marker Buoy over the side of the boat. The lead weight attached to the string will sink to the bottom and secure itself tightly to the bottom. The easy-to-distinguish marker buoy will stay glued and help you recognize the best fishing spot.

Rapala Mega Scoop Retractable

For the ice anglers up north, the Rapala Mega Scoop Retractable ice fishing scoop helps you clear the ice hole of ice and slush, helping you detect bites and avoid running up your line.

Rapala Metal Fish Stringer

The Rapala Metal Stringer is the Cadillac of fishing stringers equipped  with the extra bells and whistles you’d expect in a premium product. Step up to the next level and keep your catch secured in a classy looking metal fishing stringer that will last for decades to come.

Rapala Floating Fish Gripper

The Rapala Floating Fish Gripper is a useful tool that allows you to safely and humanely hold a wide mouthed sport fish while maintaining a safer environment for both of you. Great for catfish, carp, musky, northern pike, and any other species you don’t feel like grabbing by the mouth. The Rapala Floating fish gripper is fisherman friendly and built to last.

Rapala Ice Safety Spikes

The Rapala Ice Safety Spikes are an essential part of an ice anglers toolset because of their ability to save your life. The two spikes, which should be worn around your neck, allow anglers to have unfortunately fallen through the ice to ice pick their way back to the surface.

Rapala Fisherman’s Hook File

The Rapala Fisherman’s 4-inch Hook File allows you to keep your hooks at their sharpest. Sharp hooks equal more fish landed. The Rapala Hook File is made from high-carbon steel, and the ergonomic handle design provides comfort as well as a secure grip. The four-inch overall length allows you to store the Rapala Hook File easily in a tackle box or vest pocket.

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